Monday, September 9, 2013

Our nap battles - day 1

This week I've promised myself we would work on naps.  To me, this means I will spend as long as I need to getting LM (little monster) to fall asleep, but we will not resort back to having to nurse to fall asleep for nap time.

Here's today's status so far:

Awake for the day @ 6 am.

Acting sleepy around 8-8:15 am.

Sat on porch swing from 8:15 - 8:30. Read a book, snuggled, swung, snuggled.

8:30 went upstairs to LM's bedroom. I had laid out a bunch of blankets as a nap space on her floor since she has never been willing to lay in her crib, and this way I can lay next to her.

8:30-9:00 approx - snuggled on the floor but her eyes will not close.  I laid with her, lots of changing positions, up and down, rolling around, but for the most part, sucking her thumb and willing to snuggle.

~9:00 - 9:25 - after about half an hour of seeming to be sleepy, she just started getting fussy, extra wiggly, crying when I tried to lay her back down or even remotely hold her still. She pointed to the glider in her room, so we tried sitting in the glider but she is no longer willing to snuggle calmly.  Pretty sure if I was willing to nurse her she would instantly go to sleep. But that's not the point of this. Tried going in the other room and laying on the bed. Maybe the floor is too uncomfortable?  Nope, no better. Now she's just screaming cuz I won't let her even move around. No, I'm not gonna let you fall head first off the bed. Tough cookies, pumpkin.

At this point I'm getting super frustrated and considering backing down. Finally after 20+ minutes of fighting with her, I decided I couldn't take any more trying to make her stay still, so I just let her go and see what she would do.  She is up and trying to get out the door of her room.

Nap attempt #1 is over. Verdict - No nap.


So...I let her play for a while, she doesn't look sleepy at all at this point. Not very fussy either, so that's great. Maybe the half hour of resting was enough to rejuvenate her? Never know.  So we played, had second breakfast, played some more... she crawled around, ran around, climbed the whole flight of stairs.  About an hour and a half later, maybe, just maybe, she's showing signs of being sleepy.

Just after 11 am, we head back to her bedroom, sit in the glider for a minute. She's sucking her thumb, but acting like she can't get comfortable. She sees the pillow on the floor across the room and points to it. So I said Okay, we'll go lay on the floor again. Clock check - it's 11:05. She's not super calm, but kinda more like the first time we laid down, that at least she's quiet and half snuggling.  Her eyes are sorta looking heavy, like she's really having to fight to stay awake now.  I finally got her to snuggle up with me and lay still for 10 seconds. Our heads are kinda smashed together so it's totally dark over her face. I am kinda half sitting, half laying down - not comfortable at all, but I am NOT moving because this just might be victory.  She kicks and pinches a little bit but she's definitely settling down. Within a minute or two I can tell her breathing is evening out. I lay with her another minute or two, and when I back away, and check the clock, it's 11:15. She's out and it only took 10 minutes this time!

Nap attempt #2 is over. Verdict - VICTORY!


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